Ella Can Logo

Empowering you to optimize your time so you can focus on the work you love

Ella Can Logo
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Business Solutions

Helping small business owners like you design and build the streamlined operations you need to best serve your clients.Using technology to bridge the gap between the heart of your business and the client experience you've been dreaming of is possible.

  • Relieve the Pressure : Running a small business doesn't have to feel overwhelming. Together we can design and build your ideal administrative infrastructure, allowing you to focus on your clients, grow your business and live your best life inside and outside of work.

  • Update Your Operations : Are you buying, selling, or inheriting a small business with outdated systems? Let's take your established business into the future with new streamlined systems designed for your success.

  • Set-up Your Digital Tools : You've registered for the software, but serving your customers in the now is making it difficult for you to find time to set it up. You don't have to tackle new technology alone. I can help.

Helping people who help people

As an operations specialist, I support new, struggling, and transitioning solo service providers, chiefly those working in health, wellness, and creative industries.

Working to help you overcome the obstacles your small business faces every day and empowering you to take charge of your operations as your business evolves and grows.Together we can design and build your client management system, integrate automation into your workflow, and simplify your life without removing your unique human imprint from your clients' experiences.Together, we will set your business up for the moment and the future.

Business types I have helped:Mental Health | End-of-Life Doula | Nurse | Salon | Astrologer | Chandler | Acupuncture | Dance | Yoga | Chiropractic | Trucking | Lawyer | Accountant | Property Management |

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

"As a new business owner, Ella was critical in setting up my systems. With Ella’s help, I was able to focus on my clients while Ella handled all of the back end administrative set up. Even though she was unfamiliar with my CRM software when I retained her services, she became a master very quickly and was able to integrate features I wasn’t even aware existed. My business was up and running within a month and I couldn’t have done that without Ella’s guidance and assistance. I will forever be grateful for her insight and patience with me as I ventured into business ownership." ~ Ashley F.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

About Ella

With years of experience as a solo service provider and the heart of a teacher, I'd love to help you with your business operations.

Hello There!When I launched my first business over 19 years ago, I was focused on my expertise and had little idea what running a business entailed. My love of learning, interest in technology, years of customer service experience, and natural inclination towards organizing, problem solving, design, and administration became the foundation for the skills I would develop to grow my business.A few years ago, small business owners in my network began reaching out to me for help with administrative tasks and business technology. I discovered I enjoyed being of service in this way so now I'm offering to help solopreneurs like you navigate the business end of running a business.Should this resonate with you, please contact me. I look forward to hearing about your business venture and discovering whether or not we could work together.Best of luck to you!Ella

Some of the small business technology I have experience with:Dubsado | Clio | Wellness Living | Gusto | Square | Figma | Zapier | Canva | MailChimp | SmarterQueue | Trello | Etsy | RedBubble | GoDaddy | Wix | Carrd | Weebly | Microsoft Office | Google Workspace |

  • Google UX Design Certification

  • Continuing training in UX/UI Design

  • Currently training in Project Management

  • Over 19 years experience as a business owner

  • 13 years teaching public school full time

  • Masters Degree in Education

  • Bachelors of Science Degree

  • Francophone

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

"Ella has proven herself to be an invaluable asset to my company. She is extremely accurate and thorough. She never misses a detail and follows through until every loose end is tied up... For me, the most important attribute that Ella offers is an extremely high ethical standard. I know I can trust her 100% with my employees' personal data... She knows more about security and privacy than anyone I have ever met. I trust her to work in any area of my business and would also trust her with my personal information should I ever need personal executive assitance." ~ Annette A.

UX Design

What can I design for you?Taking my passion, skills, and experience designing client centered experiences into the UX world.

Personal Services

What personal project can I help you with?Available in-person for those in San Diego County California.

Has someone recommended Ella to you for "Aunt Ella" or "Intimacy Intensive" services?Only available in San Diego County.

"In her support role with my trucking company, Ella demonstrated her creative problem solving skills. When our software couldn't do all we needed, she devised a system... (which) allowed our management to hold our drivers accountable in their job responsibilities in a way we had struggled with for some time. Later, .... (another role with the same company) Ella not only took on this role without knowing anything about our industry, but she also simplified and improved the spreadsheets the previous staff member had in place for this task, then she created comprehensive standard operating procedures for us to utilize for this role moving forward... Over the course of our working relationship, I've appreciated Ella's skills in organization, efficiency, ability to learn new tasks under pressure, her stick-to-itiveness, and her good attitude. I believe Ella can do just about anything she puts her mind to." ~ David H.

FAQs & Privacy Policies

Last updated 2/13/2024

Ella Can LLC (aka: Ella Can) cares about you and your privacy. Ella Can is committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of website visitors, those inquiring about services, and clients. Ella Can designed the policies on this page in order to inform you of the way information about site visitors, leads, and clients is collected and utilized.By interacting with Ella Can via this website or any other means, you agree to the terms of this privacy policy. Ella Can may change the policies on this page from time to time. If any changes are made, this page will be updated to reflect the changes to these policies and the "last updated" date will be changed.The policies on this page do not cover any links within this website linking to outside websites. Those sites are not governed by these policies, if you have questions about how a site uses your information, you'll need to check that site's privacy policies.FAQs

  • Q1 Where can I learn more about Ella Can on social media?

  • A1 You won't find Ella Can on social media and you won't see Ella Can listed with any online rolodexes like Yelp. Ella Can does business based entirely on personal referrals.

  • Q2 Why?

  • A2 Because Ella believes in privacy for herself and her clients, she wants to use her time more intentionally in the real world, and she believes personal referrals lead to better client experiences and relationships.

  • Q3 How do I reach Ella Can by phone or email?

  • A3 You'll receive an automated email from Ella Can shortly after your submit the web inquiry form, this will provide you with the Ella Can email. Ella Can will call you by the end of the next business day and provide you with the number.

  • Q4 Why?

  • A4 If you've ever posted a phone number or email address on a website before, you know how many robo calls, spam, and scammer contacts this causes. By skipping this common practice, Ella protects her time and energy both for her clients and herself.

PrivacyElla of Ella Can takes privacy seriously. Ella Can will absolutely not trade or sell your personally identifiable information to anyone, and will not share this information without your explicit permission.Ella Can uses the CRM Dubsado to safely collect and manage information beginning when you submit an inquiry form from this website. Ella Can uses Dubsado to safely maintain client profiles and manage client projects internally.Payments are processed using Square via Dubsado. Ella Can does not save your credit card information, this data is secured through the software listed above.Ella Can stores your emails and testimonials to maintain and manage our working relationship and with your permission may use all or part of your testimonials when telling others about Ella Can.CookiesElla doesn't believe in using code to manipulate you into hiring Ella Can. No pixels or other code are used to trick you into returning to this website.Currently Ella Can does try to optimize this website's SEO but doesn't use Google or other search engine analytics or advertisements. Ella Can may or may not decide to use search engine analytics and/or advertisements in the future.Concerning GDPRElla Can does not currently intentionally seek out clients from outside the United States. Anyone inside or outside the US who initiates contact with Ella Can is consenting to the policies on this page.Access to your informationYou are entitled to view, amend, or delete your personal information with Ella Can. Send your request to Ella Can via email. If you do not have the Ella Can email, this means Ella Can does not have any of your information.